This article is in continuation of this one . R ecap In the previous article , I had tried to emphasize how nᵗʰ Fibonacci Number = Number of ways to climb n step staircase, where you have only two possible options to move, either by climbing 1 step or 2 steps at a time. In the same article, I have mentioned some other p ossible representations of the Fibonacci Sequence. One of them is the number of ways to tile a N x 1 board with a 1 x 1 square and 2 x 1 domino. By writing the recurrence relation for the same, we can state that NoOfWaysToTile(n) = nᵗʰ Fibonacci Number. Recurrence for the Tiling problem Tiling Problem Relation and Fibonacci Number Reversing the above Equation In this article, I am going to discuss my approach to the Running Sum Identity of the Fibonacci Sequence using the same relation. The Running Sum of Fibonacci Sequence The Left Hand Side (L.H.S.) The L.H.S. of the equation has 2 parts Fib(n) and (- 1) . Fib(n) = nᵗʰ Fibonac...
This is where I write all my thoughts