“You are given two matrices A and B, each with R rows (numbered 1 through R) and C columns (numbered 1 through C). Let’s denote an element of A or B in row i and column j by A(i,j) or B(i,j) respectively….. ” You can read the whole problem here . Problem description in short Given two matrices, A and B. Task is to transform A to B using special some addition-based criteria. The criteria for transformation is as follows we are given a number K 2 ≤ K ≤ min(R, C), where R is row size and C is column size we have to take any submatrix of size Kx1 (i.e. along the column) or 1xK (i.e. along the row), in A, and to all the numbers that fall under that submatrix have, add some integer v, this can be chosen by us. This has to be done in such a way that finally A transforms to B. The actual problem is to check if this kind of transformation is possible, given A and B. Ideation…. Befor e I begin I wanna say that it is an observation based problem, can have many solutions and my solution is no...
This is where I write all my thoughts